Is It Safe to Drink Water from your Bathroom Tap?

 There are two ways to provide tap water to the bathroom. In some households, the cold water bathroom faucet runs through the main riser, which means that the power cord plugged into the bathroom faucet is the same as the kitchen faucet. In the house, water enters the house through the electric current of the kitchen faucet near the stopcock.

Is It Safe to Drink Water from your Bathroom Tap?

The water rises from the kitchen through pipes to the cold water tank in the attic, and then supplies water for faucets, showers, toilet flushing, etc. If it is an undiscovered shell, it may even contain dead mice, pigeons or squirrel po.

Your water company will add disinfectants (such as chlorine or chloramines) to ensure the safety of drinking water (your water company can tell you which disinfectant is used in the water). Chlorine is volatile. If chlorinated water is exposed outdoors (for example in a storage tank), the chlorine will escape and will not leave enough water to kill harmful bacteria. Drinking a glass of water in the bathtub is unlikely to cause serious harm to you. The bathroom is almost certainly not the best source of drinking water.

According to a study by Brunel University in London, every time you enjoy a glass of vital tap water, you may accidentally drink a small amount of someone else’s medicine. The reason is that today’s medicines are stable and durable. Although the dose of this cocktail in tap water is constant and reliable, a large number of these prescription drugs released by humans are eventually discharged into wastewater.

Finally, some of these drugs are returned to the home through the sewage filtration system, despite the small dose. This problem is not limited to tap water. Scientists analyzed the urine of people who ate plants irrigated with treated sewage, and the results showed higher levels of carbamazepine in patients with epilepsy. g For Hafren Dyfrdwy Limited (formerly known as Dee Valley Water Limited), the tap water is usually kept in a water tank in the attic.

Therefore, unlike the tap water in the kitchen, this water does not come from the market and may stay in the plumbing system of your home for a period of time. The water may contain a small amount of dust and dirt. The water storage tank in your home.

There are some potential danger of tap water, some of them are listed below:

  • Chlorine
  • Heavy Metals
  • Herbicides and Pesticides
  • Water Softening
  • Nitrates
  • Bacterias
  • Fluoride

Hence, there can be many adverse effects of drinking water from the bathroom tap, which may include Diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, numbness in hands and feet, chest tightness, chronic cough, headache, eye and skin irritation, gastrointestinal irritation etc. These symptoms may appear within 24 to 48 hours, so you may not get sick for a day or two after drinking bad water. The hidden dangers of drinking tap water have now been disclosed. You may now have a better understanding of how water can cause smaller and more serious health problems. Choose wisely.


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