Debunking 4 Myths & Facts About Your Water

 The internet is filled with unnecessary, unscientific, irrelevant information regarding water and filtration. People and brands write all kinds of nonsense for their own benefit that just confuses the readers, and nothing else. For that very reason, we decided to debunk some of the most common myths that are revolving around water, making people feel confused and question their actions.

Debunking 4 Myths & Facts About Your Water

7 Myths Around Water That Are Not True

1. Chlorine is absorbed by the skin when we shower


Some blogs and websites claim that a shower that lasts more than 10-minutes can make your body absorb chlorine equal to 8 glasses of chlorinated drinking water.

According to the Department of Community Health in Michigan, “The skin does not absorb chlorine well, but small amounts can pass through the skin when people are exposed to chlorine gas, bleach, or come into contact with water or soil containing high levels of chlorine. Although small amounts of chlorine can pass through the skin, it is eliminated from the body rapidly. Chlorine may irritate or burn the skin, especially moist areas.” 

2. Chloroform is a by-product of showering in a chlorinated water


Well, yes, we have and still do inhale THMs – trihalomethanes, chemical compounds that can be formed when water is disinfected with chlorine.

Science News one of the leading research-based magazines found in the study conducted on the participants that there was an increase of chloroform in the lungs of about 2.7 ppb after 10-minute of the shower. Now, when the shower is included warm water that opens skin pores, it absorbs more chloroform equivalent to 8 glasses of the same water. 

3. Chlorine can lead to hair loss


You can’t eliminate the existence of chlorine in the water, as almost all hydro plants in the country use it to filter water. But that doesn’t mean it is harmful to your hair. The myth was started false after a study that was published in a dermatologist’s journal. In the study, the hair of professional swimmers was compared with the hair of normal people who spend almost zero time in the pool. Although there was a sign of chlorine-induced damage – dryness, and coarseness in the swimmers, there was no proof that could say that they will experience hair excessive hair loss. 

4. Shower filters remove all the chlorine from the water


It is true that good filters can filter 90% or more but there are no filters available in the market that can remove 100 percent chlorine from the market. The ones that are stating it on their product description are lying in all sense. So, if you see such products on the e-commerce websites then don’t believe it as the market is filled with Chinese and Korean shower filters.

This was all about debunking the facts related to water. Now, let’s talk about the products related to water such as bathroom faucetsvalves, showers, etc.

So, if you are looking for the best bathroom faucets and showers in Tamil Nadu then you can check out Waterman bathroom accessories are considered to be the best bathroom accessories in India. Their wide range of products is suitable for every type of kitchen and bathroom, that suits every design and perfectly complements the interiors of your bathroom.


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